AI Consulting

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Case studies overview


Dubai business owners with traditional valet services struggled with long wait times due to manual processes, impacting customer satisfaction and business reputation.


We developed a simple app using AI where valets take a photo, and AI fills in the data, eliminating wait times. This resulted in happy customers, efficient valet service, and an enhanced business reputation for the owners

What we achieved

Cost Saving Icon

Cost Savings Over 3 years

By implementing the AI-driven app, we saved 62% in costs over a three-year period. Automation reduced the need for manual labor and improved operational efficiency, significantly cutting down expenses


Cost Savings
Over 3 years


Faster Invoice
processing by streamlining invoice management processes

Invoice Processing Icon

Faster Invoice Processing

We achieved a 40% increase in invoice processing speed by streamlining invoice management processes. The AI-driven system automated many of the manual tasks involved, reducing errors and boosting efficiency.


“INSHARO’s AI-powered valet solution has transformed our Dubai business. It eliminates wait times with instant data entry from photos. Our customers are happier, and our reputation has soared!”

— Swissotel, Dubai

Feedback Icon

Increase in Positive Feedback

We saw a 60% increase in positive feedback due to the reduction of manual tasks and enhanced efficiency. The AI-driven app streamlined operations, leading to quicker, more accurate service and higher customer satisfaction, which translated into significantly improved feedback from customers.


Positive Feedback
due to the reduction of manual tasks and enhanced efficiency.


High User Adoption
setting new efficiency standards in user engagement

Adoption Icon

High User Adoption

We achieved 85% user adoption in the first month by setting new efficiency standards in user engagement. The intuitive design and immediate benefits of the AI-driven app quickly gained acceptance among users, leading to widespread and rapid adoption.

AI Integration